
Craig Baumgartner

I retired from the Army as an endodontist/research microbiologist and took a position as Chairman of the Department of Endodontology at Oregon Health & Science University. I am now a Professor Emeritus at the University but reside here in Kailua. Since retiring I developed a strong interest in art. I have studied art history and taken numerous courses through the Honolulu Museum of Art and the University of Hawaii studying water colors, acrylics and oil painting.

My focus now is on plein air oil painting of seascapes and landscapes. The shift from scientist to artist has been an exciting adventure. Observing light and color as an artist has changed the way I see the world. My style is slowly evolving as I attempt to be more “painterly.” I have had paintings in numerous shows. The Association of Hawaii Artists has been very supportive. I am currently Vice President of the Association of Hawaii Artists and have been the Master of Ceremony for their shows.

e-mail: alohajcb@gmail.com

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